Saturday, April 28, 2012

Buying a Used car or New car is better?

Imagine, you & your partner sitting in yours first car and the first long drive. You are driving the car on vacant broad roads, tress near by the roads blooming with soft moisture wind of rains & a soft melody song playing at your music stereo. Suddenly a glass breaking voice disturbed your imagination & you came back to the practical world.
Confused to buy for first time a new car or pre-owned car?
Unable to predict used car will better in your budget or a new car?
Thinking, that car will be not used daily by you, and then which car is better?
All your confusions and questions will be cleared & solved by reading this article.
I’m going to give pros & cons and comparison of the two types of cars.

Used Cars:
Points to be considered while thinking to buy a used car:
1.      The number of previous owners

2.      If the car ever involved in an accident?

3.      Previous mechanical problem

4.      History of the maintenance of the car.

5.      Having Original Registration Certifications
6.      Duplicate keys availability

7.      Make sure car is on level ground to check tires and anything is not snagging on the car.

8.      Carefully check the paint, rusted spots or scratches on the body of car. Touching the edges of the joint panels, if you feel roughness, it indicates residue left from masking tape.

9.       Check trunk of the car is not rusted or water entry due to cracks or holes.

10.  Check under the hood of the car for any indication of dents, damage or rust. These signs will be of poor maintenance or damaged. Each fender consists of VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of the car, if its missing that means fender has been replaced.

11.  The hoses and belts shouldn’t have cracks.

12.  Check the seats and inside body of the car for not any damage or stain.
13.  Check the odometer of the car for mileage. But pay attention to a point that buying a 10 year old car with low miles is not a good thing.
14.  Test Drive the car, if possible by driving take it to a service center & get acknowledge about the condition of the car. In other hand, while shopping take with you a service engineer for verification of the car.
15.  Check the brakes by pressing down hard enough to decelerate rapidly , but not enough to slide at the spped of 30mph. If you feel vibration from the brake pedal, or hear any strange noises, that indicates need for replacement of rotors and brakes’.
16.  Inspect engine of the car for any leakage, as, dark brown oil stain, indicate there is a leakage in a gasket & in future can lead to expensive repair.
17.  Negotiation of price
18.  Note down all the repair or replacement required from your side, call the auto parts shop and get the total cost. Then think, you should buy this car not.
1.      Within your limited budget.
2.      Passionate of car models, able to a new model after some time.
1.      Lack of safety measures.
2.      No warranty period or certificates.
3.      Always need repairing & maintainer.

New Car:
1.      Latest features & technology in the car.
2.      Proud feeling as owner of the car.
3.      Desired color & model.
4.      Full of safety measures.
5.  Maintenance service very less.
6.      Warranty Coverage

Friday, April 27, 2012

Miscellaneous Interesting Aritcle Platform: Is blog only for celebrities or for everyone?

Miscellaneous Interesting Aritcle Platform: Is blog only for celebrities or for everyone?: Recently I had a conversation with my friend on the profile of  Bloggers. We had a very harsh argument on the topic that “Blog is for onl...

Is blog only for celebrities or for everyone?

Recently I had a conversation with my friend on the profile of  Bloggers. We had a very harsh argument on the topic that “Blog is for only celebrities or for every one?”

I was in favor of everyone and he was against the topic.
Below I’m writing down the conversation we had on the topic, read the discussion and give your point of view in favor of everyone or only for celebrities.

Friend: Blog is not for everyone, as readers read only those blogs which are written by the celebrities.

Me: No your thinking is wrong. People read everyone blogs, only it needs traffic and popularity.

Friend: I don’t agree with your statement, as people only follow those blogs which are interesting and they are eager to know what will be the next. This happens with the famous personality’s blog.

Me: I agree with half said statement, as people follow the interesting blogs but that doesn’t pay that much attention is it of a common man or any celebrity’s blog.

Friend: It’s totally wastage of time for a new blogger or a common blogger to write the post. As no one pays attention towards your blog and write comments, how much you try to advertise your blog.

Me: I don’t agree with your words, as a person only creates a blog when the person wants to share ideas, articles and opinions with the whole world. It’s a very patience work to start a blog and increase the traffic and visitors of your blog. It’s a time taking process which needs one’s patience and confidence of the blogger.

Friend: How many people visit your one year old blog? Why is it not liked and visited by everyone? Why u r not getting even Ad Sense support?

Me: Speechless………………..

 I shared this conversation with you all as, my friends words some how de- motivated me from blogging. I’m following every way to popularize my blog but unable to do so. I now feel that in busy world even your friends don’t have time to share and read your blog. Just tell me what shall I do?
Shall I stop blogging or motivate self to enhance the traffic for my blog?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hair Styles

Before checking the latest fashion trends in :
Hair Style

I would like my readers to go through the history of the emergence of fashion trends in India .

 History of Hair Styles
Hair Style word symbolizes that to keep head’s hair set in a unique way to look beautiful and keep in well arranged manner.

While giving a glance to our history, we see that from ancient time, hair styles were worn in a variety of ways according to the culture and custom.
Hair styles were signifiers of social class, age, martial status, racial classification, political views and gender based.
Fashion Trend of Hair Style from Past to Present In India.
While net surfing, I came across about interesting truth and history of hair styles followed from ancient to modern India. Thought to share with you all:

  • ·        Harappa Civilization:  Women in harappan civilization used to tie their hair in plait tied with bow at the end. On the other hand, men used to part hair in the middle and tied it with a bullet.
  • ·        Mohenjo- daro civilization:  Hair was gathered up in a bun or coiled in a ring on top of the head. 
  • ·        Vedic Period:  Hair style and customes were based on caste. As for example, it was prescribed for every Indian should use the hair cut in form of sikha, which is equivalent to shave the whole head, leaving a lock of hair at the back or at the side.  In further time, this kind of haircut was worn only by the Brahmins, the priests' caste. The rest of the people used long hair, and upper caste women  used  ornaments with jewels and gem stones in the forehead. 
  • ·        Gupta Dynasty/ Indo-Greek culture:  hairstyles were worn with simple braids or curly hair. In this period both men and women heads became lavishly ornamented. Men in general used long hair shoulders-length, also wearing hair bands.
  • ·        1970’s: Long sleek hair style with center or side parting the hairs. Men too had long straight hair. Mullet was common hair style among men.
  • ·         1980’s:   Buns , Spiral perm and classic bob hairstyles were of women and Mullet and New Wave were famous hair cut among men.
  • ·        1990’s: Spiral curls &  pixie cut were common in women and
  • ·        2000/latest trend: hair cut of heroes and heroines were too in demand among men & women..
  • ·        2012:

Jewellary in fashion from past to present India

India and Jewels are complementary of each other, in oter words, if we talk about Indians, we imagine them with jewels.
History & culture of India for a long time went through many changes with that jewels too changed. I would be sharing with you changes in Jewellary from ancient to 21st century India, wore by both men & women:

 Ancient/Early Age: Jewels were made by seeds, feathers, leaves, berries, fruits, flowers, animal bones, claws and teeth.

·                                                                                    1500 BC: Jewellary making started in 1500 B.C. by the people of Indus Valley Civilization. They created & wore jewels made of beads. They were shaped like doughnuts and painted black.
·        2100 BC: jewels were created of metals like gold, silver, copper & ivory. They were ear rings, necklaces and bangles.


Gupta Period: this period was fashioned with gold Jewellary which was worn by both men & women.  New delicacy of jewel was introduced as, golden wires twisted & combined with pearls. The jwellary which were worn during this time were:
o   Kundala, circular shaped ear rings.
o   Sutra,  gold chain with precious stones in the center.
o   Vijayantra, a necklace made of pearls, rubies, blue stones & diamonds.
o   Niksha ,  coin necklace.
o   Angada & Keyura, Upper arm ornament & keyura was coiled like snake.
o   Bangles
o   Crowns, were worn by men and women of the nobility.
·        Vijaynagar, 1438: Jewels were combined with pearls & precious stones.
·        1503: Rubies and diamonds were used in shoes.
·        Mughal Period: The mughal era shows the relation of time & religion with the Jewellary. Hindu & Islamic fusion art was seen in the jewels making .  The jewels which were in fashion that time were added:
o   Karanphul,  ear flower.
o   Nath: worn in nose.                                 
·        Rajput’s Era: In this era, minakari, kundankari, thewa Jewellary was popular.

·        Current trend: Currently people are diverting form metallic Jewellary to towards mostly fashionable  artificial Jewellary which matches their dress colors and events . In  real jewels diamond & platinum are in demand.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Invention by Kids

While surfing the net, I was amazed to search out that, not only inventions are made by adults but also by children too.  I’m sharing with you a list of inventions made by the great creative mind children.

·        Mobile Algae- Converts carbon dioxide generated from car into Oxygen: Param 17 yr old.

·        Cooling Umbrella: An umbrella that keeps you cool in hot summer days: Peh Yong , 6 ys old.

·        Toy Truck: Robert Patch , 6 yrd old invented the toy truck.

·        Earmuffs, to protect ears: Chester Greenwood, 15 yrs.

·        Television, an image transmitting device, an early prototype of the electronic television: Philo Farnsworth, 14 yrs old.

·        Braille Writing Systems or book to read for blinds: Louis Barille, a blind child at age of 14 yrs old.

·        Wristies, a fingerless glove that could be worn with or without mittens to keep the wrists warm: Kathryn Gregory, 10 yr old.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bihar Diwas in Maharasthra !

It’s the breaking news that CM of Bihar is coming to Maharashtra to celebrate the Bihar Diwas.
Not so much opposed made by the Thackeray family, as everyone in the country were expecting .
But its true that  the Bihar Diwas will be celebrated by the CM of Bihar in Mumbai.
Reference to the article published in the “FirstPost Politics”, website, I just pray and hope a day to arrive when once again Indians will again say , “ Hum Hain Bhai-Bhai”.  There will be no differences made between Maharashtra& Bihar, UP and Delhi Ncr, Punjabi and Bengali and neither between our southern states.  I on be- half  of the Indian,  request our politicians to stop making differences between the states to earn votes, as if they do this, then, very soon India will be divided into many small countries.
Stop making fun and insult of any immigrants, as they are only who had developed your state else any state on- behalf of locals will not be developed.  As intelligence, skills  , diversities and creativeness only develop a state or a country.
The main reason I find of immigration is unemployment and development of IT sector or any MNcs, Bpo’s or KPo or Good colleges and university within specific zones only.
If this development is made all across over the country then, I think no migration will be made and everyone would live happily and love every Indians.

"PSP" ki Famous Yaari

I’m going to give a glimpse on story of a sweet and ever green story of three friends,”PSP”.
Yes the friends were grouped and tagged as PSP by the final year of their graduation.

Let me introduce the PSP:
Priyadarshini- Calm, Kind-hearted, Emotional and Sweet as her smile girl.
Smita- Sweet, sportive, jolly natured girl.
Priyanka- Serious, calm and intellectual girl.

The above characterized PSP were in the first year of graduation i.e. yeaar 1999 and they met   in the  University of Banaras or BHU i.e .Banaras Hindu university.
Their first year was of formal introduction, as they had their own friend’s circle in which they were happy and were enjoying their enjoyment full of college life. They used to meet in class as a formal class mate and used to share their notes, pencil or pen and some time a familiar smile with each other.

Priyadarshini and Smita were little a bit friends, as Priyadarshini wanted to make smita as her nice friend. In the second year smita and priyadarshini became good friends as after , Priya attended the dance performance performed by Smita, in which she played the role of Lord Krishna. She liked her eyes teasing and dance made by smita in the dance performance. After then on demand of Priya , Smita used to perform those eyes and dance steps after then they used to laugh for a long time.
The first two years of their graduation just got passed, making them busy in study and enjoyment life.
Priyadarshini enjoyed with her friends Shweta, Usha and Minakshi.
Smita enjoyed with her S4 ie Sunita, Shilpi & Supriya.
Priyanka enjoyed with Jyoti & Sangeeta.

The third year was the final year of not only graduation but also the year which finally transformed their formal friendship into close and best friendship.  They used to go daily college together by walking and used to return by re-calling all the activities they have done in the class.
I remember a day during final exams Priya was sick, then Priyanka sat with her and made her learn the notes and lessons. During exams preparation leave, they used to divide lessons among each other and after studying self used to discuss with each other.
AS Like boys they used to give comments on boys and had named them with unique names. As Kajrare nain, Lambu, Ulta cycle  and etc. Each boy of class where named on their activities and on their physical appearance.

In third year priyadarshini, Smita and Priyanka were sweet, smart, jolly, sporty, studious and full of craziness. 
They planned to wear pink suits and go to the college, to see the response of their class mates. As they entered in the college, everyone where looking at them with a smile and as they entered they got complement  of looking beautiful and questions from every one :
"kya baat hai aaj kuch khas baat hai kya ?" ya "aaj pink day hai kya?"  last question was" kahin tum logon ne plan karke tu nahi pehna?"
  Phir kya tha , teeno ne  khoobh kahani bana kar sunaya class mates ko.

Ek siti wala tha, jab bhi Nanada Sir class hota who bahar se “aree –areeeee kya hua “ wale song pe siti baja kar hata tha, aur yeh teeno ki nazar apne professor pen a hokar us bande pe hoti thi, jisse woh kabhi nahi dekh payi.

After graduation from PSP, one P choose another field and entered into IT field while PS remained in same field of education. But never there friendship was broken. 
This P was Priyadarshini.
Years and years passed but they always stayed in contacts by letters, phone calls or if possible then by meeting. 
After  2 yrs  gap in 2005 PSP re-united when Priyadarshini arrived to Delhi, where Smita and Priyanka were pursuing their scholar degrees from JNU. Priya was called by SP by giving confidence to her parents that they will take her care and help her in founding a relevant job.  
In the first interview of Priya PS made her  make-up her and made her ready but taking her oral interview and they all went to the company , where like guardian PS were sitting at reception and Priya went to give her interview.  But she didn’t qualified, but 3 of them enjoyed in that by making fun of each other.
Three were always ready to help each other in any time. I remembered it was Priya's fast  and some thing has got wrong between Smita and Priya, then priya didn’t had any thing that night , then smita came to her room with juice to give her and make her smile.
Priya   got married and luckily stayed in Delhi with her husband. Then also they met and enjoyed too much.  Priya was invited at hostel night by Smita , the PSP danced on DJ too much, but due to some reason Smita had to go somewhere, but you all would be feeling then PP what would be doing?
Areeeeeee whole night Priyadarshini and Priyanka talked too much and they , laughed, cried , they shared each and every moment of their life and friendship. And in morning when Smita came she was full of jealous, as she said “kyun paka li na kichdhi tum duno ne milkar.”

Its 2012, Priyanka and Smita are going to be married very soon. PSP celebrated their friendship unity with get tighter. It’s bachelor party of Priyanka. They enjoyed too much in a very short span of time that they got to celebrate.
After marriage they will be afar  from each other, as Priyanka is settling in Banglore and Smita in Delhi so from PSP one P will be afar. 