While surfing the net, I was amazed to search out that,
not only inventions are made by adults but also by children too. I’m sharing with you a list of inventions made
by the great creative mind children.
Mobile Algae- Converts carbon dioxide
generated from car into Oxygen: Param 17 yr old.
Cooling Umbrella: An umbrella that keeps
you cool in hot summer days: Peh
Yong , 6 ys old.
Truck: Robert Patch , 6 yrd old invented the toy truck.
to protect ears: Chester Greenwood, 15 yrs.
an image transmitting device, an early prototype
of the electronic television: Philo Farnsworth, 14 yrs old.
Writing Systems or book to read for blinds: Louis Barille, a blind child at age
of 14 yrs old.
Wristies, a fingerless glove that could be worn with or
without mittens to keep the wrists warm: Kathryn Gregory, 10 yr old.