Monday, November 15, 2010

India and USA relations and desirements.

Recently US President Mr.Barack Obama visited India with great pleasure and we warmly welcomed him.The over all visits was praised and criticised by whole world. As USA and India political relations became strong and our neighbour countries saw it as a growth of power to India and view themselves as weak vice verse.
                                             Perhaps! relation and desirements has been grew with this visit. We Indians wanted to solve the three major issues as:
1. Kashmir Issue has been the from a long time a major international issue. America totally backed itself from this issue, by saying it's a matter of two countries. I would like to ask, so  why from past years it remained a international issue and was not solved and no important steps has been taken . Desirement is for Kashmir's to enjoy all benefits of citizen of India and stop the cold war between two countries.

2. Outsourcing services. Discussion and long term relation on this issue is warmly welcomed both countries.

3.Indians to be welcomed in any country with respect and pleased nature, not to take too much investigation and not to kill or harm without any cause.

4. UN SC membership privilege to India from Barack ji is praise worthy. Thanks to President for considering India as one of the emerging powerful country in world. Desirement is to grow friendship as a strong  life term bond.

Note: I'm writing this post too late after the visit of Honorable  President, as just I want keep the visit memorable forever and also the dances performed by the sweet couples of this world and a great gift gifted by them to us, i.e Martin Luther memorial stone.

 At the end, I want to conclude that the issues if solved and relations too become strong , then I think we could see a peace- terrorism free world.

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